The School of Law of SMU send nearly 50 students to study abroad every year under cooperation agreements reached with a number of famous universities in various countries and regions, including the University of Southampton, Swansea University, Tulane University, Mordaoke University, Okayama University, Hong Kong University and Soochow University.


Picture 1,2: Prof. WANG Guohua, Dean of the School of Law, visiting students in Swansea University

Picture 3: Prof. ZHANG Bo and other teachers discussing international cooperation with the deputy of Tulane University 

Picture 4: YIN Jun discussing international operation with the deputy of Okayama University

Picture 5: Prof. LIU Dafang visiting the Supreme Court in the United States

Picture 6,7,8,9Undergraduate overseas exchange programs


Picture 10,11:Postgraduate overseas exchange programs

Picture 12: Students participating seminar in the overseas exchange programs

Picture 13: Students participating field study in the overseas exchange programs

Picture 14,15: Prof. HU Zhengliang at the 10th East Asia Maritime Law Forum

Picture 16,17: Prof. WANG Guohua, Dean of the School of Law, at the Maritime Arbitration Seminar organized by CMAC and VMAA

Picture 18: Prof. YU Yaodong, paiticapating the 120th Anniversity of Local Court in Korea.

Picture 19: YIN Jun participated International Coference in Japan

Picture 20: ZHENG Rui participated International Conference in England

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